Brand Logo Quiz

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रोचक | 13.7MB


Guess the brand from hundreds of quiz with logos and icons!
Guess the brand from more than thousand of quiz with logos. This is a guess the brand game with quiz levels which you can walk through without any restrictions!
Playing game is pretty simple: Just walk through the logos in levels, take one logo and you're shown a quiz with a series of scrambled letters, out of which you have to make a word that you associate with the logo.
If you do not know the logo, don't be shy to use the hint in the right of the logo, it will help you to easier to make your answer. Of course, you will pay some coins to use it, but you can receiver coins every hour or day you play the game.
- Features -
1. Friendly UI
2. Full detail tutorial
3. Simple and addictive gameplay
4. Lots of achievements to unlock

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नया क्या है Brand Logo Quiz

- Update Policy
- Fix Bug
- Make Game UI Smoother


आधुनिक बनायें:

संस्करण: 2.4

आवश्यक है: Android 4.1 या बाद में

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