Battery level

3.65 (6463)

सरल गेम | 172.2KB


Battery level now HD
A great HD widget to monitor the level and condition of the battery.
Graphic simple but exceptional. The widget is designed to achieve
excellent performance while saving as much as possible battery, memory and resources.
The colors of the widget vary from state to state and battery level.
* Green - Battery charging (0% - 100%)
* Blue - Battery not charging (21% - 100%)
* Yellow - Low battery (11% - 20%)
* Red - Very low battery (0% - 10%)
Try it is free!
And tell me what you think!
If you like it, try pro version for:
- Advanced visualization task
( temperature, technology, advanced state,voltage, etc.. )
- History of battery level
- History of temperature (NEW)
- History of voltage (NEW)
- Custom color, light, halo of light and round corner(NEW)
- Battery usage (NEW)
- Statistics task (NEW)
- Different size for widgets(NEW)
If you find bugs, send me an email please.

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नया क्या है Battery level

HD also added to the free version.
Bug fixes. Now work!!!!!
Battery consumption declined further.
Added app in menù.
Added halo of light.
Bug fixes.


आधुनिक बनायें:

संस्करण: 7.0

आवश्यक है: Android 5 या बाद में

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