Météo - Weather

3 (0)

मौसम | 2.1MB


Weather - Weather is an incredibly easy to use app to always be aware of the weather and its evolution.
Weather - Weather is an app specially designed to be as simple and intuitive as possible. With one click, the weather conditions for the area you are in is displayed in your status bar.
Superb realistic animations show the weather at home and developments without you need to get out.
The application is based on reliable data source and real-time updates are so light that your data plan will be hardly affected.
Support for the Android version.
- Searches for all cities in the world by country and city or zip code.
- Ability to configure your Wi-Fi only source.
- Ability to disable internet access from operators while you are roaming.
- Ability to set your preferred unit of temperature, Celsius or Fahrenheit.
- Automatic update intervals are: 15, 30 min, 1, 3, 6, 9, 12 hours and manual update.
- Automatic location detection by the network and the GPS.
- Up to 10 different locations.
- Weather map with ability to add any city to your city list.

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आधुनिक बनायें:

संस्करण: 1.0

आवश्यक है: Android 2.3 या बाद में

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