Экзамер — ЕГЭ и ОГЭ 2018

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Ekzamer - service for self-study for the exam and the OGE. For you construct an adaptive personalized training plan based on current knowledge and progress in learning, and the desired result on the exam. In addition, Examer lays out your knowledge on the shelves: identifies gaps, shows the dynamics of learning, a detailed analysis of the obtained knowledge.
Preparation Course for the exam has never been so fun and interesting! Forget boring tests EGE and long video lectures. Complete quests, gain experience, awards and bonuses and compete with friends in preparation for the exam.
- Russian language
- Mathematics (base)
- Mathematics (profile)
- Social Studies
- History
- Physics
- Biology
- Chemistry
- Computer science
- Geography
Attached you will find:
- more than 30000 jobs EGE on 10 subjects
- a detailed theory for each topic
- a personal training plan for each
- solving problems for each topic and to identify gaps in knowledge
- detailed versions of the exam with analysis and solutions
- gripping quests, making preparation for the exam interesting)
- a first module for free!
The whole theory and the first module in preparation for the exam for free. To access the rest of the modules required to pay.
Preparation for OGE is completely free!
Members Ekzamera more than 800 000. Join us!

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नया क्या है Экзамер

Привет! Мы подготовились к новому учебному году и пофиксили несколько важных багов. Теперь все работает еще быстрее!


आधुनिक बनायें:

संस्करण: 1.7

आवश्यक है: Android 4.1 या बाद में

मूल्यांकन करें

शेयर करें

ये भी पसंद कर सकते है