Solid Launcher
मनमुताबिक बनाना | 1.9MB
Solid Launcher is innovative and highly customizable.
Basic design is inspired by Google Now, with nice dynamic city headers. But it can be set as you want.
There is 3 main theme: Translucent, Light, Dark and completely transparent.
Header can be set with Google Now cities, or personal content from your gallery, or obviously disabled.
Features :
-Floating widgets
-Header active background (change depending on current time, when music change ...)
-Multiple apps page
-Multiple appwidget
-Customizable grid size / header size
-Customizable folders icon
-Custom theme color (can be set to change depending on header background dominant color)
-Custom transition
-Apps shortcut
-Icon pack
-Hidden apps
-Gestures actions
-Wallpaper scroll
-Multiple app drawer format (grid, list ...)
-Custom page indicators
-Much more ...
Solid Launcher is in Beta, so don't hesitate to send me e-mails for bugs or suggestions.
This app is developed only by me on my free time, no ads, please support my work by getting Prime version. Thanks.
Permissions :
-INTERNET : Used for top panel's weather.
-READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE : Used to allow user to choose header background from gallery.
-CALL_PHONE : Used for phone application shortcuts.
-BILLING : Allow user to purchase Prime key.
Developers :
-Added dock
-Long clicks on widgets
-Multiple widget margin options
-Reorderable folders
-New settings screen for small devices
-Gesture and clicks handle improvements
-Floating widgets icon are now editable
-Design improvements
-Bug fixes
-Fixed forceclose in settings on Lollipop devices
-Minor improvements
-Added changelog