كتاب تعلم أساسيات اللغة الكورية

4.55 (428)

शिक्षा | 3.7MB


The application contains 10 chapters and Contact Us page
Chapters are:
Letters Alco Rayya
Korean language properties
Acts of respect and formulas
Apply to respect formulas
Character actor character Alaalabh case
Special Character Character Thread
Aldma Ir
Aloaada d
And we'll add additional chapters soon, God willing,

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नया क्या है تعلم أساسيات اللغة الكورية

*إصلاح adMob


आधुनिक बनायें:

संस्करण: 0.0.3

आवश्यक है: Android 4.1 या बाद में

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