Аудирование английский язык

4.1 (47)

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Service will help you improve your ability to understand English by listening after a few hours of classes. A service for learning English words to help you expand your vocabulary.
Listening English language consists of 3 layers:
At this level you need to collect on hearing the proposals voiced by the American speaker of the suggested words.
At this level, you need to write a proposal at the hearing voiced American speaker. The level consists of more than 600 is divided into sentences and iterate over 10 proposals each. At each new iteration uses replays forming grammatical constructions that allows you to bring them to automatism.
At this level, you need to write a proposal at the hearing voiced both American and British speakers with different dialects and accents.

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नया क्या है Аудирование английский язык

Добавлен сервис для изучения английских слов


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संस्करण: 1.0

आवश्यक है: Android 4.0.3 या बाद में

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