Christmas Live Wallpaper

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मनमुताबिक बनाना | 3.6MB


Merry Christmas! and enjoy this Christmas Wallpaper.
If you like cool wallpapers, you will love this:
- Santa Claus.
- The Gingerbread man.
- Snow quantity and wind.
- Toggle Fast/Real Day/Night.
- Two carols by 'the Swirrels'. (Jingle Bells and We wish you Merry Christmas).
- Snowfall and several snow shapes.
- Snowman.
- Smoke from houses.
Christmas live wallpaper is perfect for winter holidays, for holy night and new year.
Dont miss our other christmas wallpapers.
Design&Idea - Delka Nenova Georgieva

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नया क्या है Christmas Live Wallpaper

Optimized performance


आधुनिक बनायें:

संस्करण: 1.70

आवश्यक है: Android 4.0 या बाद में

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