تلگرام قرمز - تلگرام حرفه ای فارسی

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Red telegram, a telegram informally with superb facilities and advanced.
Some of the most important features and functionality unique red Telegram:
 ✤ allow voice calls (voice calls with the slowest speed Internet)
 ✤ You can add and edit text in the following video, images and animated images when forward (Advanced Forward)
 ✤ allows you to send messages to one or more contacts or groups (multiple forwarding)
 ✤ when a soul to be seen to be online but offline, read messages without the tick is displayed.
 ✤ video messages
 ✤ support Telesco.pe
 ✤ possibility of bots
 General ✤ possibility Quick view
 ✤ increased capacity to 10 thousand Svprgrvh
 ✤ new capabilities, and channel management
 ✤ add a new manager to channel without a number of Member
 ✤ limit access for the user to read a message from the manager
 ✤ Ability to search for people in the group and channel
 ✤ Take advantage of proxy
 ✤ red Telegram Telegram endorsed by the First and Second attack by hackers and fully protects your files
 ✤ red Telegram optimized by our experienced professionals that this program has been optimized to an increase in speed.
 ✤ red Telegram formats, fonts and themes to many that anyone one can choose according to your taste.
 ✤ red cable to the tablet appearance of being prepared so you can better enjoy your tablet telegram.
 ✤ downloads
 Advanced ✤ specific audience
 ✤ Category Chat
 ✤ multiple forward
 ✤ advanced forward
 ✤ possible to write painting professionally
 ✤ left the group to return to
 ✤ breakdown of the talks: in all categories, channels, bots and contacts are in separate tabs.
 ✤ breakdown of talks at multiple forward
 ✤ specific settings each conversation: Ability to set automatic download media for any dialogue
 ✤ possible to set automatic download media for any dialogue
 ✤ hide the channels, groups and ...
 ✤ possible to select all contacts created in the channel or group
 ✤ choice to add to the channel group or all contacts made
 ✤ fever Favorites, and Unread
 ✤ write text with video (android version 4.1 and up)
 ✤ status display on the main screen and the audience Visitors
 ✤ forward without quotes
 ✤ change which contacts
 ✤ delete contacts: You can delete contacts in groups and elections.
 ✤ view subscription options fast in all chats
 ✤ preview and approval from you before sending stickers or voice message.
 ✤ change the font: You can change the fonts and font selection and combination programs.
 ✤ online contacts: View the contacts list online.
 ✤ hide items are typing.
 ✤ possibility of eliminating collective private chat
 ✤ possibility of hyperlinked text to send group and channel
 ✤ thousands of attractive stickers Persian and English
 ✤ Ability to manage download
 ✤ distinction bilateral contacts
 ✤ right and left China Open
 ✤ go to the first message in a chat
 ✤ and dozens of other applications ...
Red telegram as the main application of the Telegram Telegram uses the API directly connected to the main server telegram telegram telegram difference between red and in terms of security.
Keywords: shield grams - up electrocardiograms - traps gram - DJ Gramm - Cafe gram - English gram - homeland gram - Tehran gram - Iran gram - Menu g - Spirit gram - Python gram - family Gram - plus grams - Ukulele g - poly-g - Di gram - Parmyk gram - ADB grams - Super gram - and gram - Persian gram - Kvrdysh gram - telegram English - Ygram - Maygram - Hatgram - full gram - she gram - Nitro gram - telegram Life - Tlgram advanced - Ayrangram - Flgram - Art telegram - telegram orange - Vydvgram - telegram versatile - Rsagram - Vacuum telegram - telegram red - telegram Persian Ahura - Mai telegram - telegram - Tvrbvgram - Tlagram - and Yvgram - Telegram - Telegram white - cable black - Telegram Silver - Telegram National - Nyvzgram - Astargram - Telegram Star - Nvgram - Plasgram - Mstrgram - Svprgram - Ngram - Mvtvgram - GT gram - Amin g - t g - Tygram - Telegram Turkish - Lymvgram - Lemon gram - Tango - Mvbvgraf - Lavgram - clean gram - member of gram - Pavrgram - telegram Galaxy - telegram steel - Light gram - telegram Iran - telegram world - Haygram - Sorna gram - Svprgram - Tvrbvgram - Nyvgram - plus grams - Tgram - Plus g - Tlvgram - Tlygram - fix Report - tops gram - Mai telegram

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आधुनिक बनायें:

संस्करण: P4.1.5.2

आवश्यक है: Android 4.0 या बाद में

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