Cell workout with the CellAir® GECKO

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स्वास्थ्य और फ़िटनेस | 27.7MB


In contrast to altitude training, the CellAir® Gecko app and associated hypoxicator uses controlled training hypoxia (16-9% oxygen) and hyperoxia (32-34% oxygen) at normal air pressure intervals.
This means that during your workout you are breathing air with more or less oxygen. The entire training period is carried out in contrast to a high altitude workout pleasant lying or half-sitting, in complete relaxation.
Via a programmed test system, the CellAir® Gecko automatically determines the optimal training stimulus for you, so that optimal results are achieved and side effects of a high altitude stay completely avoided.
More information available at https://cellgym.eu

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नया क्या है Cell workout with the CellAir® GECKO

- Display of error messages for internal device errors
- Adjustment of the operating parameters for temperature monitoring


आधुनिक बनायें:

संस्करण: 1.3.11-s

आवश्यक है: Android 4.4 या बाद में

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