FIFA 18 : Predict and Win

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We want to direct the spirit of World Cup towards positive and peaceful celebration. We believe it is a happy occasion and should be celebrated as one. Every individual believes in different teams and we respect their beliefs. So we are giving them a chance to win and celebrate the World cup in a unique way. This Application allows you to predict the score and the winner (i.e Golden Ball, Golden Gloves, and Golden Boot). Each correct prediction will give positive points and no any reductions in the wrong predictions. After the end of the World cup, Winner of the leaderboard and other categories will be rewarded as mentioned in the above descriptions. This application will also be used as a platform for various organizations to interact with our users of different ages, which will help in introducing the products and services. Various schemes of the organizations related to World cup will be highlighted in our application.

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नया क्या है FIFA 18 : Predict and Win

Visual update


आधुनिक बनायें:

संस्करण: 3.0

आवश्यक है: Android 4.1 या बाद में

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