cr2-Thumbnailer Demo

3 (4)

फ़ोटोग्राफ़ी | 252.6KB


An explorer-like application to preview Canon (c) DSLR RAW-Files.
View, share and save the embedded jpeg-images.
Fullscreen view to switch thru the images and show EXIF-informations.
This is a limited version showing only the first five images per page.
* Experimental: Direct camera connection via USB
* selectable quality and size for jpegs to be exported
* Preview the embedded jpeg images in folderview
* Screen rotation in folderview
* Selectable thumbnail size
* Show fullscreen preview
* Show extracted EXIF data
* Save as jpeg with selectable folder
* Backup-like function to copy cr2-files
* Share the image, e.g. mail or bluetooth
* Delete images
* "Multiselect" for saving, sharing and deleting images

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नया क्या है cr2-Thumbnailer Demo

Option: Remember export path
Option: startup folder is last used folder
Writing image orientation flag to jpg


आधुनिक बनायें:

संस्करण: 2.01

आवश्यक है: Android 2.2 या बाद में

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