Green Battery

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1.Green Battery is a Power Saver & Charger is a great Phone support application.
2.It provide complete battery information of your Phone.
3.This is amazing optimizer of battery .
4.This app have a Great User Interface that can be use easily from
5.This app have brilliant functions for your mobile battery and giving more battery battery life upto
6.This optimizer will show the battery level and also battery information.
7.You can start
saving battery life only one touch .
8.This app is also a great power manager for your phone. also provides accurate battery status.
10.Status like voltage, temperature and level.
11.This app also provide the details of battery in a great Graphic User interface.

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नया क्या है Green Battery



आधुनिक बनायें:

संस्करण: 2.2.3

आवश्यक है: Android 4.0.3 या बाद में

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