Mod SuperHero for Minecraft

3 (0)

अन्य | 14.6MB


Mod on Superheroes for Minecraft to allow you to wear the armor of the Avengers, among them – Iron man, Hulk, Captain America, Spiderman and many others!
Also you can create your own cool superhero costume, because the choice in mod is huge! Or you can take the hammer of Thor which you will undoubtedly be useful in the game!
Download and install the mod and you will be able to turn on the beloved hero from the comics!
+ convenient interface
+ the mod suitable for boys and girls
+ simple installation
+ occupies little space on your phone
ATTENTION! To download the mod, you need an Internet connection!
WARNING: This is an unofficial application for minecraft pocket edition. All rights reserved. In accordance with

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संस्करण: 1

आवश्यक है: Android 4.0 या बाद में

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