ANT Plugin Sampler

3.9 (514)

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The ANT Plugin Sampler allows interaction with all the ANT devices supported by the ANT Plugins. It is intended as a testing tool and reference code, so it is not extremely pretty and will not be very nice for general purpose use. Source code is available in our ANT Android SDK at
ANT Plugins (
ANT Radio Service (
ANT hardware support on your phone (see the description of the ANT Radio Service page for more info)
Demonstrates communication with the following ANT devices:
Heart Rate Monitors
Bike Power Sensors
Bike Cadence Sensors
Bike Speed and Distance Sensors
Stride-based Speed and Distance Monitors (Footpods)
Watch Downloader Utility (ANTFS Garmin watches)
ANT Enabled Fitness Equipment
Fitness Equipment Controls (e.g. Trainer)
Blood Pressure Monitors
Weight Scales
Environment Sensors (e.g. Garmin Tempe)
Geocache Beacons e.g. Garmin Chirp)
Audio Remote Control and Controllable Device
Video Remote Control and Controllable Device (e.g. Garmin VIRB)
Generic Remote Control and Controllable Device
Attention Developers!
Using the ANT plugins in your app to communicate with ANT devices is quick, easy, and free and uses a simplified API that doesn't require referencing technical documents or learning new protocols. Visit the ANT Android Developer page for more info and to download the SDK containing the source code for this open source application.
To learn more about ANT visit
Please send any questions to

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नया क्या है ANT Plugin Sampler

-Added trainer support
-Added remote control support
-Added Multi-Device Search
-Some bug fixes


आधुनिक बनायें:

संस्करण: 3.1.0.MO1

आवश्यक है: Android 2.1 या बाद में

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