Fast Facebook

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Fastbook is a new and free client to manage your Facebook account! Fastbook is born from the idea to give a great and full experience even to the less powerful device!
Fastbook it’s also a social reader, you can organize your list and read-share all the stories from your favorite blogs.
Annoyed by the speed of the facebook official app. Try Fastbook, it is smaller, lighter and faster than the official facebook app and supports every feature of Facebook.
1. Fast, you can try this for yourself and see! Small! lightweight!
2. Safe, as you directly deal with facebook servers and there is no third party involved, not even us!
3. No ads to bother you, except the first time you open the app.
4. No unnecessary data loads like the official app.
5. Interesting interaction, pull down at anywhere anytime you want to refresh manually.

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आधुनिक बनायें:

संस्करण: 1.0

आवश्यक है: Android 3.0 या बाद में

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