ZPlayer FREE

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Check out the full version of ZPlayer without the Ads, and including unlocked features.
Zplayer is designed around the easy and content driven “metro” style. Although looking minimal, it packs a huge punch!
ZPlayer offers:
• Music Features
- Media Player
- Listening history
- Auto generated playlists (Most Played, Favorite songs, Recently Added)
- Metadata (Album reviews, artist biographies, similar artists, similar albums)
- Music weekly trends (artist top tracks, top songs, top albums)
- Artist events*, song lyrics*.
• SongKick Events
• Last.fm Features:
- Last.fm scrobbling.
- Last.fm ‘now playing’ status updates.
- Last.fm ‘likes’ submissions.
- Last.fm messaging (ShoutBox) to other users.
- Last.fm scrobbling history.
• Podcast Features
- Video podcast streaming, subscriptions, downloads, player.
- Audio podcast streaming, subscriptions, downloads, player.
- Podcast search and recommendations.
• Online Radio
- Shoutcast Radio streaming (with DNAS metadata).
- Radio station search.
• Multilanguage Support
- ZPlayer supports English, Dutch, French, Spanish, Finnish, Italian, Russian, Turkish, Polish, Hebrew, and Portuguese languages
• ID3 Tag editor
- Single track ID3 editor
- Album editor (artist name, album year)
- Album Art Editor (API Search, Art generator, Pick from Gallery, Use camera to capture Image)
• Video player
- Fullscreen video player
- Sectioned catergories (Music videos, Movies)
- Editable ‘music videos’, and ‘movies’ directories
• Browse the albums sections not in your library and even get the album prices, 30 seconds audio samples of tracks, and “Buy” links to the albums.
• Audio Effects
- Audio Equalizer
- Create, save and manage equalizer profiles
- Bass boost
- Virtualizer
- Automatic EQ (based on track genre) **
- Audio Balance
• ZPlayer now fully supports ICS, Status Bar+, and features 5 beautiful widgets, which give different functionality.
• Cool features, including artist background images and panoramas, changeable background images.
• Swiping the application homescreen to the left/right shows the 'current playing' song and listening history, and “xtras”

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नया क्या है ZPlayer

-Bug fixes (Many Android 4.4+ fixes)


आधुनिक बनायें:

संस्करण: 3.99.13

आवश्यक है: Android 2.3 या बाद में

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