Waterfall Wallpaper Smartwatch Wear OS Watch Faces

4.05 (137)

मनमुताबिक बनाना | 11.6MB


Customize your watch face with a mezmerizing waterfall that dances in the background. This animated wallpaper features HD graphics, smooth animations and variable waterfall options for a look that's sure to leave you pleased. This custom watchface operates in the background so users can keep the full-functionality of their smartwatch including date, time and battery levels.
Stand out from the crowd with a custom watch design. Download Waterfall Watch Face for your Wear OS smartwatch wearable today!!
This is the best Android Wear OS watch faces app for your smartwatch wearable. It works well with round or square android wear smartwatches. Pair it with your phone! Works with Android phones and iOS phones. iOS users install directly from the Google Play Store for Wear OS on the watch.
This is one of the best Smartwatch Wear OS Watch Faces in the Play Store. Enjoy for free today!
Works for most round & square smartwatches including:
Android Wear 2.0
Wear OS
Be sure to have Wear OS installed on your Android phone. The watch face will appear on the Google Play app directly on your smartwatch. In the play store on your smartwatch, tap the "Apps on Phone" section to find the watch face.
Live The Times is delivering some of the best smartwatch wallpapers available today. Find other unique live wallpapers for your smartwatch by visiting www.livethetimes.com today.

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आधुनिक बनायें:

संस्करण: 3.0.22

आवश्यक है: Android 4.4 या बाद में

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