Vk.com Messenger

3 (3)

संचार | 6.8MB


Stay connected with your friends from Vk.com wherever you are! It is easy and fast way for free messaging in Largest Russian social networking service.
With this application you can:
- Register in Vk.com
- Read conversations
- Look at your real-time friend list
- Open message's attached files
- Sync your phonebook with Vk.com
- Find new friends
- Invisible mode! You can stay online in Vk.com, but no one will see that!

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नया क्या है Vk.com Messenger

- Bug fix.
- Ads removed.
- Optimizations.
- Fixed ads removing
- Added Stickers!
- Added custom notification sounds
- Added ability to remove ads (paid).
- Fixed error causing to not able to retrieve messages history.


आधुनिक बनायें:

संस्करण: 3.2.0

आवश्यक है: Android 4.0 या बाद में

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