Virtual Cigarette

Virtual Cigarette

3 (255)

मनोरंजन | 934.6KB


Smoke a Virtual Cigarette and enjoy the smoke. Smoke anywhere, anytime you want without any of smoking side effects. Smoke virtually with out any nasty health effects.
Light up the Virtual Cigarette with Match and as the Cigarette burns down virtually enjoy the smoke and puff it up.
Cigarette smoking is injurious to your health and people around you. Quit smoking in real life and
smoke virtually with Virtual Cigarette. Blow into microphone to smoke your Cigarette.
Your Favorite Cigar now in multiple Flavors. Pick your Favorite Cigar and light it up with cigarette lighter and smoke it out. cigarette lighter lights your favorite cigarette of choice and you smoke it as many times you prefer.

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नया क्या है Virtual Cigarette

Multiple Cigar's added. Option to pick any Cigarette.


आधुनिक बनायें:

संस्करण: 2.0

आवश्यक है: Android 4 या बाद में

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