New Best Base Map Designer for COC

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Design Ultimate and lucrative war base layouts or village layouts was tough, more for Town Hall 8. For complex level base designs, it took hours to hours day and day to correctly design a base layout map.
Till now,most recently Clash of Clans users use to use two screens to be able to design the base layouts, and spend hours on designing it, but you don’t need to do that anymore for future!
Now you find easily copy any base layout design whatever you like. Just take a snap of that base, and then Select that screenshot from our Ultimate base design. The base layout will be floating over the whole screen.Then you can go to Clash of Clans Layout and design the floating snap as a superficial paper!
For most users it will take 10-30 minutes to design a Clash of Clans base using this unique Ultimate base designer app.
Ultimate base solution app help You can also browse from our collection of best coc bases and use them besides of a screenshot.
Best help you can get when designing base layouts for Clash of Clans village Or War Base!
(Update: added Builder Base layouts for Builder Hall 2 to 6, and new coc maps for war/village)
Designing war base layouts or village layouts was hard, more for Town Hall 8 onwards. For complex base designs, it took hours to correctly design a base layout map.
Until now, most Clash of Clans users had to use two screens to be able to design the base layouts, and spend hours on designing it, but you don’t need to do that anymore!
Now you can easily copy any base layout design you like. Just take a screenshot of that base, and then Select that screenshot from our App. The base layout will be floating over the screen. You can then go to Clash of Clans Layout designer and use the floating screenshot as a tracing paper!
For an average user it will take 10-20 minutes to design a Clash of Clans base using this base designer app.
You can also browse from our collection of best coc bases and use them instead of a screenshot.
- Smoothly Copy any Design COC base in 10-20 minutes
- Replicate bases of Friends, Clan Partners, enemies, or any COC maps
- Browse and Design our collection of base maps- War Base, Farming, Trophy Push and Hybrid Bases
- Keep Best collection of favourite COC maps
- Control Over the transparency of the floating Window!
- Use the transparent map as a Clean Transparent paper and just draw over it! So easy!
- New maps are added in collection sequentially frequently.
Your feedback is welcome, please give your comments or suggestions via
- Play Store Review or
- Our facebook page-
- Or via email.
Play with friends, with family, with colleagues or go it alone.
Arrange the competition for speed!

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नया क्या है New Best Base Map Designer for COC

Efficency extended,Small Bug Fixes


आधुनिक बनायें:

संस्करण: ultimatebasedesigner.0l.09

आवश्यक है: Android 4.0.3 या बाद में

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