Truth or Dare X

4.7 (1944)

मनोरंजन | 11.2MB


After years studying dares of naughtiness and drinking, this was our biggest creation
● Classic - for those who enjoy the traditional way of playing 🎉
● Breaking the Ice - for those who don’t know each other yet 🥶
● Social Embarrassment - to see when you start feeling embarrassed 😳
● Going Crazy - are you crazy? 💀
● At the Bar - to enjoy that cold beer with a shot of mocking 🍻
● Blasted - if you'll play this level, bring a LOT of alcohol!! 🥃
● Warming it Up - to make it a little spicy 🥵
● It's hot in here - it's getting hard to describe it here… 🔥
● Prohibited - If you've come this far, I wish I was you 😈
* Legal Warning - The Never Have I Ever X has adult content. Shouldn't be downloaded or played by kids under the rating

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नया क्या है Truth or Dare X

The best app in the galaxy is here to make your parties more fun and hotter than ever. 🥳


आधुनिक बनायें:

संस्करण: 1.0.3

आवश्यक है: Android 4.1 या बाद में

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