The Real End map for MCPE
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Its not really the real End but its as close to it you can get in Minecraft Pocket Edition without it being a real feature yet. In this map you will be able to walk through an End portal which takes you to a large island with huge structures. Everything, including mobs, are things which exist in the real End in the PC version of Minecraft. Its a really cool map for Minecraft which is really amazing to experience!
Here is the End city. Its one of many structures which are generated in the End.This world was created in a version of Minecraft Pocket Edition where the End dimension doesnt yet exist. This is just a Minecraft map and not actually the real End dimension, but it is strikingly similar!Assuming youve properly installed the textures you will find a couple of new mobs here as well.Heres a dragon egg which is generated once the Ender Dragon is slain. However, in this map for Minecraft you wont find the Ender Dragon but you will find the dragon egg.On the right image you can see a Chorus Plant. Its a tree structure which spawns quite frequently in the End.
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