Super Loud Volume Booster

3 (11)

संगीत और ऑडियो | 2.3MB


Easy Volume Booster 2016 new modern style volume booster. It will increase your speakers volume up to 10-20%.
What sets Volume Booster from other similar applications is that when a user activates boost this app not only amplifies the sound to the end, but also uses the built-in. So the result is a stronger and clearer sound.
You can choose three types of volume to be boosted:

* Media player volume,

* Ringer volume,

* Alarm volume,

* Any combination of all three

It will improve the volume and sound of your speakers and headphones and make them sound like a HiFi system.
If you like our app, please reward us with a 5 star rating and click the +1 button, thus supporting the future development of this app.
Use this app responsibly. It is not a good habit to listen to loud music on earphones for prolonged periods of time.
Thank you and have fun!

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नया क्या है Super Loud Volume Booster

* Fix bug


आधुनिक बनायें:

संस्करण: 3.0

आवश्यक है: Android 4.0 या बाद में

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