Solusi Matematika SMA

4.6 (67)

शिक्षा | 2.9MB


This application is useful for calculating some mathematical permasalahn
Line / Series Arithmetic
- Looking for first term U1 and Un
- Finding The number of Tribes and Tribes First First Sn U1
- Finding Different (b) Series Aritmerika
- Finding Different (b) and the first tribe to tribe known U1 .. and tribe to tribe ... eg to 5 and 8 to rate
Line / Analytical Geometry
- Looking for first term U1 and Un
- Finding The number of Tribes and Tribes First First Sn U1
- Finding Ratio Series Geometry
- Finding ratio and the first tribe to tribe known U1 .. and tribe to tribe ... eg to 5 and 8 to rate
-Perbandingan A: B
Formula Pythagoras
- Pythagoras formula
- Triple Pythagoras

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नया क्या है Solusi Matematika SMA

fix some minor bug


आधुनिक बनायें:

संस्करण: version_1.1

आवश्यक है: Android 2.3 या बाद में

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