Smart AppLock - LockDown Free

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Smart AppLock is good tool for android private application in android phone.
Smart AppLock can lock any app, lock install/uninstall etc.
Smart AppLock private every where, good private application for your phone.
★ Easy to use, beautiful UI with Material design, ripple animation.
★ Three password modes: Pattern Lock, Passcode Lock
★ Random keyboard password
★ Auto-Rotate: The screen of your device will not auto-rotate when running registered app.
★ Hide app icon (Remove AppLock icon on App Draw & Home screen)
★ Open AppLock using call #12345

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नया क्या है AppLock

- Fixed bug using them App Compact in android
- Support unlimit load application in android


आधुनिक बनायें:

संस्करण: 1.5

आवश्यक है: Android 2.2 या बाद में

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