Share files

3.6 (3784)

सामाजिक | 1.0MB


Share files app is the easiest way to transfer files such as photos, images, selfies or music to friends or other devices through applications such as ShareBox or others that has already been installed on your device.
You just need to select the file you want to share and the way or application to transfer the selected file to other devices whether it's Whatsapp, Instagram, Twitter, Google+, Gmail, Bluetooth, ShareBox or any other way or app that allows sharing the selected file. That's easy!
Now you may more easily select and share songs and audio files if you install the new app "Audio Play - Music Player" that you may find at

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नया क्या है Share

* Upgraded libraries
* Minor bug correction


आधुनिक बनायें:

संस्करण: 1.19

आवश्यक है: Android 2 या बाद में

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