
3.7 (5816)

शिक्षा | 30.6MB


ResoOnline Android App is Online-Test-Practice officially for all the Resonance student .This is useful for JEE ADVANCE and JEE MAIN students .
This app provide the a Complete Online-Test Environmnet to Resonance Students. This App show the test report using that student evaluate himself.
And find out his status using this app student also provide the support to increase thier time efficiency.

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नया क्या है ResoOnline

In this version we have fixed bugs and error which were occurring earlier and we have also updated notice board and download section.


आधुनिक बनायें:

संस्करण: 3.1.13

आवश्यक है: Android 5.0 या बाद में

मूल्यांकन करें


शेयर करें

ये भी पसंद कर सकते है