Qasidah Majlis Nurul Musthofa
संगीत और ऑडियो | 34.5MB
Majlis Nurul Musthofa Qasidah application is an application developed by Broadcast OFFICIAL Nurul Musthofa which aims to facilitate the pilgrims to get and listen Qasidah-qasidah were read out at the event Majlis Nurul Musthofa, and qasida can be listened to online or offline (download )
To download qasidah in this application can be pilgrims to suppress long in the title of one qasidah in this application, then choose "Set as Ringtone"
Hopefully this app can help syiar Qasidah us to Muslims around the world.
Penambahan Qasidah Terbaru Majlis Nurul Musthofa
आधुनिक बनायें: 2017-11-21
संस्करण: 2.0.5
आवश्यक है: Android 4.0 या बाद में