Locket Photo Frames

3 (0)

फ़ोटोग्राफ़ी | 9.5MB


Locket Photo Frames is to decorate your photo with high quality Locket frames, which makes you feel that your photos are hung up on the Lockets.
If you want to feel like a star then check out our Locket photo frame. Locket photo frame will let you create your celebrity pic in a couple of minutes. Share your celebrity pic with your friends and family. New frames with which you will be the star of your own ad. Choose your favorite image and add it to favorite Locket frame.
Locket Photo Frames is a fantastic free picture frame app that will make all you look like the people from the best Locket photos.
How to used Locket Photo Frames :
1. Select Photo from gallery or take photo by using camera option.
2. All HD collection of Locket frames available.
3. Choose any one of them of Locket frames.
4. Saved Locket photo frames in Locket Photo Frames folder in sd Locketd.
5. My Creation contains all the saved Locket photo frames at one place.
6. Future used of your Locket frames of saved image any time when you want to share it.
7. All the Frames of Locket is free to used and easily set your Locket photo in that.
8. You can share your Locket photo via social link.
Download Locket photo frames app to find more features and lots of ready made Locket Photo Frames.

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आधुनिक बनायें:

संस्करण: 4.0

आवश्यक है: Android 4.0.3 या बाद में

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