Open in Browser
टूल | 104.8KB
This application adds ability to open HTML/text/image files saved to SD card from a file manager directly in the browser.
Just tap the file in the file manager and choose "Browser".
Verified with ES file manager, IO file manager, Astro file manager, ASUS file manager (built into Eee Pad Transformer), built-in Android browser, Chrome, Tint Browser.
It's known that on some devices it's not possible to open files stored on external SD card in a browser. However, it's reported it works with Opera browser. See
* Built with newer SDK.
* Fixed permissions to access file:// URIs.
आधुनिक बनायें: 2018-05-19
संस्करण: 0.0.8
आवश्यक है: Android 2.3 या बाद में