Oil Painting

3 (7)

फ़ोटोग्राफ़ी | 174.6KB


Convert your photo to look like A oil painting instantly 10 to 20 seconds. You can take a photo and convert it to an oil painting or you load a picture from your gallery. It is done entirely offline so you dont need an internet connection. Most other image converters will upload your photo to a server, process it then display it back on your phone. This version places a watermark on your photos. To buy the full, unwatermarked version check out:https:play.google.comstoreappsdetails?idcom.skinhat.oilpaintingfullCheck out other image filters including soft glow, cubism and stained glass.

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संस्करण: 1.12

आवश्यक है: Android 2.2 या बाद में

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