Murottal Salim Bahanan Mp3 Offline

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संगीत और ऑडियो | 31.0MB


For those of you who want to listen murottal Quran, you might want to listen to the melodious voice of famous qori Manuscripts or you can try downloading this application. Dena salim bahanan this offline application you can listen to the complete Bahanan murottal Salim, murottal mp3 salim bahanan, and video salim bahanan complete. Come listen to melodious voice murottal collection that is sure to make hearts touched and felt calm and peaceful.
Through this application you can also read the Quran complete 30 chapters, the Divine Name, and complete daily prayers. Making it easier for you on the way to always be able to run the practices of Islam. Read the Koran every day, tadarus, prayers, praying sunnah will increase the strength of faith and taqwa you all wherever you are.

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संस्करण: 1.0

आवश्यक है: Android 4.0 या बाद में

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