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Custom made check-in app for users of Momice Event Software, facilitating flawless on-site registration and label printing*.
Scan the QR-code on your attendees' e-ticket to check your attendees in and out on multiple scan points or program elements and print labels* for their badges.
* Scan QR-code on attendees’ e-ticket
* Check-in & check-out
* Print labels* for the attendees’ badges
* Check in attendees on multiple scan points (entrance, break-outs, exit, etc.)
* Real-time statistics per scan point / program element
* Real-time sync with the desktop version
* Manual attendee search
* Including flash for dark locations
* GDPR-proof (privacy & security guaranteed)
* To use the label printing option, you need the Momice Check-in add-on.

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आधुनिक बनायें:

संस्करण: 1.1.10

आवश्यक है: Android 6.0 या बाद में

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