Kuis Galau

3 (242)

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"Because kegalauanmu will change the world" - Mbah Bejo (South of Market Giwangan, Yogyakarta)
[Warning] who ngerate 5, we Doain lightly mate!
Who want ngereview, sebutin also dunk Quiz Galau you know where?
Galau Quiz is a quiz created to fill the time Galauers, containing questions from the Galauers confusion that is sometimes difficult to enter normal human reason. Quiz Galau devoted to the Galauers you who are confused to find secerca hopes or identity.
If you admit to more confusion, we suggest you play this quiz to find out how far you are in the eyes of turmoil Galauers archipelago. The answer to upset you select will also be saved in a survey Galauers.
You want kegalauanmu spread to remote archipelago? send questions galaumu! What if we think quite upset, then will we fit in the next update to get a response from the Galauers!
Quiz of worries, from Galauers to Galauers!

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आधुनिक बनायें:

संस्करण: 3.1.7

आवश्यक है: Android 2.3 या बाद में

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