Koleksi Lagu Nissa Sabyan + Lirik

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Aplikasi Koleksi Lagu Nissa Sabyan + Lirik ini berisi lagu sholawat merdu terbaru dari Nissa Sabyan.
Banyak sekali lagu sholawat yang dilantunkan merdu oleh penyanyi cilik ini.
Antara lain:
1.Ya Maulana
2.Deen Assalam
3.Ya Jamalu
4.Ya Asyiqol Mustofa
5.Ya Habibal Qalbi
6.Ahmad Ya Habibi
Dan di dalam aplikasi ini juga terdapat lagu sholawat dari Guz Azmi, Ceng Zam Zam dan masih banyak lagi yang lainnya.
Aplikasi mudah digunakan, dilengkapi dengan playlist yang memudahkan kamu untuk putar ulang lagu, pilih-pilih lagu, putar secara acak sesuai daftar lagu yang ada.
Nikmati Koleksi Lagu Nissa Sabyan + Lirik di perangkat androidmu dengan lagu – lagu cover Nissa Sabyan pilihan tanpa menggunakan internet atau paket data (Offline), jadi bisa menghemat kuota internet anda.
Tidak hanya nissa sabyan aplikasi ini juga menyediakan beberapa alunan shoalawat dari syubbanul muslimin,yang di vokalis oleh penyanyi cilik yaitu gus azmi,yang kini telah menjadi populer dengan sholawat nya: Bidadari Surgaku, Rindu Ayah,Ibu aku rindu... dan masih banyak lagi.
Hak Cipta:
Lagu pada aplikasi ini merupakan hak cipta dari pencipta, penyanyi, maupun label rekamannya.
Jika ada hal-hal yang tidak berkenan dalam aplikasi ini, silahkan hubungi kami.
Jangan lupa untuk memberi komentar positif, share maupun rate bintang lima untuk aplikasi ini, agar kami bisa mengembangkan dengan lebih baik.
This is an unofficial app. This app and its content are not officially endorsed or produced by, nor associated with or affiliated with the music artist(s) or any associated entities of the artist(s), such as management or record label. All trademarks and copyrights are property of their respective owners. This application has ads that comply with Google Play Policy and Please support the artists and their companies.
Application Collection Nissa Sabyan + Lyrics song contains the most melodious songs sholawat of Nissa Sabyan.
Lots of songs sholawat sung by the singer's melodious.
Among others:
Maulana 1.Ya
2.Deen Assalam
3.Ya Jamalu
4.Ya Asyiqol Mustafa
5.Ya Habibal qalbi
6.Ahmad Ya Habibi
And, in this application there is also a sholawat songs from Guz Azmi, Ceng Zam Zam and much more.
Application is easy to use, comes with a playlist that allows you to play back the song, picky songs, rotate randomly in accordance lists songs.
Enjoy Songs Collection Nissa Sabyan + Lyrics on your android device with the song - a cover song Nissa Sabyan option without using the Internet or packet data (Offline), so it could save your internet quota.
Not only nissa sabyan this application also provides some strains shoalawat of syubbanul Muslims, which in vocalist by singer is gus Azmi, who has now become popular with his sholawat: Angel Surgaku, Rindu Dad, Mom I miss ... and much more ,
Songs on this app is copyrighted by the creator, singer, and record label.
If there are things that are not pleasing in this application, please contact us.
Do not forget to give positive comments, share and rate five stars for this application, so that we can develop better.
This is an unofficial app. This app and its content are not Officially endorsed or produced by, nor associated with or affiliated with the music artist (s) or any associated entities of the artist (s), such as management or record label. All trademarks and copyrights are property of Reviews their respective owners. This application has ads that comply with the Google Play Policy and Please support the artists and their companies.

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Lagu -lagu Nissa Sabyan Terbaru!


आधुनिक बनायें:

संस्करण: 1.0

आवश्यक है: Android 4.0.3 या बाद में

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