

We launch an application called “J-Say” for FREE !!
This application is for Thai people who want to learn Japanese at beginner level or use for communicate when traveling in Japan with basic vocabulary and sentence. Each word is also accompanied by audio and picture with simple UI that’s easy to understand and use.
- Cute picture with audio pronunciation
- Useful words and sentences in daily life
- Search word by using keyword
- Favorite word by clicking the “Heart” icon
- Help you translate when travel in Japan
- No require internet connection
- Transportation
- Food and Drink
- Health and Body
- Shopping
- Place
- Conversation
If you have any question and suggestions please feel free to contact our team with the following email >>>
Please enjoy our application !!

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नया क्या है J-Say

Fix Bug Text to Speech


आधुनिक बनायें:

संस्करण: 1.0

आवश्यक है: Android 4.0.3 या बाद में

मूल्यांकन करें

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