IOS7 Fantasy LiveWallpaper

3 (19)

अन्य | 1.4MB


This is a special collection of beautiful live wallpaper collection box, Don't worry about that a live wallpaper must have a application,and cluttering your screen, easy to change , every day is a new feeling.
This is not simply a IOS7 fantasy wallpaper, here are more fineknown mobile phone official wallpaper, and very popular by the majority of users love wallpaper, a look clear.
For example:
Galaxy S4 Balloons Live Wallpaper,
Fireflies dance live wallpaper,
Sakura Falling Live Wallpaper,
Meteor Shower Live Wallpaper,
Dusk Live Wallpaper,
Maple Leaf Live Wallpaper,
Bubble Live Wallpaper,
Feather Live Wallpaper,
Rain Live Wallpaper.

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नया क्या है IOS7 Fantasy

Fix live wallpaper black screen bug.


आधुनिक बनायें:

संस्करण: g.1003.3

आवश्यक है: Android 2.2 या बाद में

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