
Hotel Cachet
Where the Turquoise and Blue meet with the Green at the extreme tip of the Cukurbag Peninsula in Kas,
Hotel Cachet with its unique Sea View;
There are 17 rooms are light and airy with modern ensuite rooms.
Each room has a sea facing balcony with a table and chairs
so you can sit outside and enjoy the superb time.
” Exclusive Room ” and ” Island Room ” on their own private terraces;
1 heated SPA pool, 2 Sunbeds, umbrellas, bean bags, table and chairs,
” Deluxe Room ” and ” Deluxe Plus Queen Room ” on their own private balconies;
Heated SPA Pool, parasols, bean bags, table and chairs.

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नया क्या है Hotel Cachet

Hotel Cachet


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संस्करण: 1.15

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