Dhoori Distance Calculator

3 (0)

Transportation | 1.3MB


World Travel Distance Calculator.
Dhoori is the most simplest Android App that avails you to quickly find the Travel Distance between any two given Cities/Places in your country.
== How it works ?
For the given two Cities/Places, Dhoori employs Google Maps to find Travel Distance (by Road), Travel Time, Suggested Routes and Driving Direction. It supports all the countries that are covered by Google Maps.
== Note: The speed of Travel Distance calculation depends on your Internet connection speed, please be patience ==
Free option to Disable Ads. You can disable the banner Ads that are coming in-app, it also supports Notification Ads (that also you can disable from EULA home screen).
You can also upgrade to the Ad free version, Dhoori Pro.
== Next Major Release:
- New option to bookmark your Distance calculations and to quickly refer back.
For any issues and suggestions, please send us an email.
Thanks for downloading.

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नया क्या है Dhoori Distance Calculator

v 1.5
- fixed map popup issue
v 1.4
- added option for pro version upgrade
v 1.3
- UI improvements
Ver 1.2
- Text color issue fixed
- Result page shaking/vibrating issue fixed
Thanks to those users who reported the issues and helped to fix !


आधुनिक बनायें:

संस्करण: 1.5

आवश्यक है: Android 2.2 या बाद में

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