Class 11 Physics NCERT Solutions

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Class 11 Physics NCERT Solutions
app is specially designed for the CBSE class 11 students to help them prepare for their exams. It also helps them throughout the year to complete their homework on time and double check the answers.
This app having Physics Class 11 CBSE Solutions can be useful in two scenarios:
- Check the CBSE Physics Class 11 Solutions when you stuck solving the problems in the exercise
- To verify answers after you solve the exercise problems
This app contains answers of all the chapters included in the CBSE Class 11 NCERT Book:
Chapter 1: Physical World
Chapter 2: Units and Measurements
Chapter 3: Motion in a Straight Line
Chapter 4: Motion in a Plane
Chapter 5: Laws of
Chapter 6: Work, Energy, and Power
Chapter 7: System of Particles and Rotational Motion
Chapter 8: Gravitation
Chapter 9: Mechanical Properties of Solids
Chapter 10: Mechanical Properties of Fluids
Chapter 11: Thermal Properties of Matter
Chapter 12: Thermodynamics
Chapter 13: Kinetic Theory
Chapter 14: Oscillations
Chapter 15: Waves
- Expert Physics Solutions for all the exercise. It is your best study guide.
- Find the answers by chapter & exercise no. (Easy navigation menu)
- Exemplar answers are also included in the app for all Units.
- The app is lightweight and doesn't occupy a lot of space on your phone.
- Use the Class 11 Physics CBSE NCERT Solutions app without having an internet connection.

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