AppSoup Launcher

4.45 (29)

काम की क्षमता | 248.8KB


Show off your app collection with this Funny App Launcher.
App Soup Launcher features:
- See all your apps on one screen.
- Launch an app with only two clicks.
- Multiple Animations (nexus, trails, spiral, ...)
If you don't like the 'clean desk' app launchers and app organisers then this app launcher is for you.
How to use it:
- Tap on an app, and tap the large icon on top to launch.
- Change animation style with the right bottom button.
- Close the launcher with the left bottom button.
Note: This app launher is still in early development, but it is fully functional.
More animations comming soon (send me some tips).
In launcher game comming soon.
What do you think ?
Please rate the app and send in you feedback.
Sure like to know what you think about it...

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नया क्या है AppSoup

- Graphics update
- Faster drawing
- No cpu & battery use when hidden
- Bugfixes


आधुनिक बनायें:

संस्करण: 1.3.0

आवश्यक है: Android 2.1 या बाद में

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