Admission Assistant
शिक्षा | 38.4MB
सभी विश्वविद्यालय प्रवेश की तैयारी अब एक मंच पर हैं।
Here's what's new:
- You can now select and copy text in the checkout screen.
- We've made the message you get when your checkout is successful clearer and more informative.
- We fixed an issue in which the notice list and form fill-up list displayed incorrect dates and times.
- You can view content by tapping on the banner and notifications.
- We have fixed an issue with Admission Calendar's Form Fill-up Timeline
Thank you for using our app, and we hope you enjoy this latest release!
आधुनिक बनायें: 2024-01-02
संस्करण: 7.6.1
आवश्यक है: Android 4.4 या बाद में