Acsys Mobile Application

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Acsys Mobile Application permits the Acsys User to request asset point access remotely through the APP whenever access is required to an asset point.
Acsys Mobile Application is compatible with Acsys Bluetooth Lock & Key technology which is a patented technology developed by Acsys giving real-time access to an asset point without updating the user key by connecting to a wireless of wired device.
Acsys Mobile Application additionally uses the GPS coordinates of the asset point to authenticate the presence of the user on the asset point. Furthermore, the GPS/Routing function permits the user to navigate to the asset point by using the default map application in the smart phone such as Google or Apple maps.
Acsys Mobile Application to synchronize the data from key to app, app to server, server to app, app to key using Bluetooth as medium. Acsys Mobile Application writes the access code in Acsys Bluetooth access media to open/close the asset point.
Acsys Bluetooth Lock & Key is a truly wire-free technology similar to OTP where the user can get access to one of many locks on an asset point through a time-limited access code. All access control is performed through the access rights which determines where/when/who/how to distribute the access codes whenever a request is received.

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आधुनिक बनायें:

संस्करण: 1.0

आवश्यक है: Android 4.4 या बाद में

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