An easy to use and fully functional 8085 Microprocessor Emulator for Android. Now test those 8085 programs right on your Android Device without any need of extra hardware.
8085 Emulator includes
⇨ No-ads
⇨ Easy to use GUI , So you only have to learn 8085 and not the app
⇨ Support for all Instructions/Opcodes
⇨ Instruction help screen , So you don't have to worry about forgetting an instruction
⇨ External Devices Emulation
⇨ Inbuilt Radix converter
⇨ High Performance
⇨ Free for Lifetime
⇨ Quick updates and Bug Fixes
For suggestions or to report a bug, Write us an email and We'll get it resolved.
Developed By:
Ritik Channa
Bug Fixes