Operations Research LP Solver icon

Operations Research LP Solver

1.3 for Android
4.0 | 10,000+ Installations


La description de Operations Research LP Solver

Linear Programming (LP) is a mathematical modelling technique useful for allocation of limited resources such as material, machines etc to several competing activities such as projects, services etc. A typical linear programming problem consists of a linear objective function which is to be maximized or minimized subject to a finite number of linear constraints. (Wiki)
The application will do the following for now:

v1.0 - 1.2
• Simplex (2 phase and Dual Simplex Included)
2. Maximization
• More to come:

IP (integer problems) Branch and bound

Sensitivity Analysis

Graphical Solution

= Sign restrictions
Sign Restriction supported at the moment:
Potentially unlimited number of constraints to add!
The application works as follows, each LP equations is represented by either 2 key words "min" & "max" (min for minimization and max for maximization). Followed by the objective function variables with each of the variables separated by 1 space, at the end of each equation no need to add any spaces just a return is enough:
max 4 3
1 2
2 1
Another example with decimals.
min 15 10 20
0.10 0.20 0.67 >= 30
0.45 0.25 0.30 >= 40
Credits to: http://graphicloads.com/ For providing free icons!

Nouveautés Operations Research LP Solver 1.3

Release: v1.3
*Bug Fixes*
Release: v1.2
* Bug Fixes *
Fixed an issue with devices running Android 6.0
LP Models are now saved so you can revisit them at any moment.
All iterations are now displayed
New Features:
Advert Options in the settings page.
Version 1.0
Initial Release of Linear Programming Solver
Simplex (Minimization & Maximization)
Dual Simplex
2 Phase (Using Either Simplex or Dual)
>= & <= Sign Restrictions
Potentially unlimited number of constraints


  • Catégories:
  • Dernière version:
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  • Exigences:
    Android 4 or later
  • Développeur:
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  • Available on: