جميع طرق زراعة الفواكه والخضروات
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There are all methods of cultivation of fruits and vegetables at home.
A lot of people from the likes of vegetables growing inside his house; to get fresh and high-quality vegetables, and works to soften the atmosphere of home garden and aesthetic form, as it helps in the process of photosynthesis.
Food value and importance of vegetables:
Vegetables contain large ratio of vitamins, minerals and minerals, and these vitamins, as they provide the human body useful minerals, such as iron, magnesium, an important source of fiber, and contains little fat. Characterized vegetables as a source of carbohydrates, those found in the seeds and tubers except olives, cocoa and private. Few percentage of fat that we talked about are different from those found in meat, but the nutritional value of the two parallel. There Synovial materials in a few vegetables worth of food, but they are present in a large proportion of legumes. Vegetables contain a large proportion of water ranging from 70-900. Vegetables works to move the intestine, and therefore, they act as a natural laxative; because of containing vegetables on a large proportion of the material cellulose, which is absorbed by the body, and stays in the intestine, and this is always note that doctors recommend eating vegetables in large quantities when the injury constipated. Vegetables contain vitamins of all kinds, the most important vitamin, which in turn works to prevent skin infections and fevers, which is affected by heat cooking, so, commonly found in vegetables that are eaten raw. Vegetables contain essential mineral salts and acids, and the most important iron and potassium.
Benefits of fruits and vegetables for the body human diet to be healthy and part of a balanced diet, which includes all necessary for the body of food is fruits and vegetables from most foods to be included in the diet, and always advised great deal of them, the rich in vitamins and important nutrients to the body, and highlights benefits offered fruits and vegetables for the body: the fruits and vegetables of the few foods calorie content, it also contains no fat, that when taken, they do not cause obesity, which it is very useful in diets followed Llt Little weight, eating fruits and vegetables constantly maintains the health and agility of the body. Unique fruits and vegetables among all food its proximity to fiber, fiber is very important for the digestive system, for its work to facilitate digestion, it helps to move the intestine smoothly, making it useful in treating constipation and gas problems, and digested in the stomach takes time, giving a feeling of fullness for a longer period and thus not eating significantly. Vegetables and fruits contain a lot of vitamins, such as vitamin "C" is essential to prevent the body from disease, and a vitamin "B" vehicle such as vitamin "12", which greatly contributes to the prevention of anemia, vitamin "A" is very important to keep the health of sight, and works to strengthen eyesight. The inclusion of fruits and vegetables in the daily diet protects the body from the incidence of cancer, because they contain antioxidants that fight cancer cells in the body. Fruits and vegetables are considered more food eaten constantly to keep your skin, it moisturizes the skin and make it more freshness and vitality, as fights signs of aging that may be showing especially wrinkles, to contain antioxidants dramatically. Vegetables and fruits of more food is desirable for the prevention of ingested heart disease, heart attacks and strokes. Vegetables and fruits rich in potassium are very useful in lowering blood pressure, and in the lack of development of kidney stones, which is also important to maintain bone health and protection of fragility. Reduce the risk of developing diabetes type II for rich in fiber.
Mise à jour: 2017-06-08
Version actuelle: 1.1
Nécessite Android: Android 2.3.3 or later