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La description de

OS Calculator
iPhone Calculator Apple Calculator is simple design style. In the IOS7 before, it use of Quasi-Physical design , its prototype is ET66 Calculator of Braun Company in 1987, designed by the legendary artist Dieter Rams, very classic.
This calculator is free & ad-free. There are many other excellent calculator in Android. Google calculator is also very perfect. The purpose of developing this calculator is only to enable users to experience the products of different system platforms. Or for the original IOS system users to provide transitional products.
Every Android device ships with a core set of applications, and one of those is a calculator app.
Calculator Pro is the Best Calculator. It's one of the most full-featured calculator apps around - smart calculator, scientific calculator, school calculator
Calculator Pro is the perfect calculator app for scientists and engineers, featuring buttons and options for advanced functions, like an optional RPN mode and multi-line display.
Smart Calculator is a good-looking app that lets you keep your calculation organized by separating them based on the date. You'll get real-time results while you type, even if you have open parentheses, and you can swipe to calculate conversions quickly.
Calculator is the perfect everyday calculator; you can perform tons of mathematical functions, using trigonometry, basic math, percentages, inverse trig, and more. Calculator Plus helps you calculate tips, discounts, and you can see and edit your calculation history, which is stored in an infinite scrolling canvas.
This is all in one calculator, full mathematics function, working offline. A scientific calculator supports most of the features of fx 500, fx500, fx 4500, 82ms, 82es, fx-82AU PLUS II, 100AU, fx 4500pa, 991ex, fx 260, JX570ms, 570vnplus, 991es plus, 991ms, fx570esplus, fx-82 or TI-30XB.

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Mise à jour:

Version actuelle: 1.0

Nécessite Android: Android 4.1 or later


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