Rizky Febian Selfie Kamera
Photographie | 13.1MB
Jaman now jamannya anak muda berkarya.Rizky febian salah satunya,artis/aktor dan penyanyi populer saat ini yang mempunyai kualiatas suara merdu yang membuat banyak sekali wanita gadis muda menjadi jatuh hati dan ngefans berat sama rizky febian.Banyak lagu karyanya yang populer di kalangan anak muda jaman sekarang seperti berpisah itu mudah,kesempurnaan cinta,cukup tau,penantian berharga dan lagu lainnya yang populer.
Banyak fans rizky febian yang ingin bertemu untuk berselfie denganya.Maka dari itu kami membuat aplikasi Rizky Febian Selfie Kamera agar para fans rizky febian bisa dengan mudah mengedit foto mereka untuk selfie bersama rizky febian.
Cara menggunakan app:
- buka aplikasi
- pilih menu open
- pilih foto kalian
- pilih frame foto rizky febian yang mau kalian edit selfie
- sesuaikan tata letak dengan memperbesar memperkecil ukuran foto agar terlihat mirip selfie dengan rizky febian
- simpan hasil editing dan share ke medsos fb,facebook,twitter,instagram
App lain dalam developer:
> edit foto selfie artis
> edit foto dangdut
> edit foto jokowi
> nissa sabyan selfie camera
> ayu ting ting selfie camera
> natasha wilona selfie camera
> stefan william selfie camera
> verrell bramasta selfie camera
> immanuel caesar hito selfie camera
> Sule selfie kamera
Konten frame dalam app:
- rizky febian
- rizky febian foto
- rizky febian selfie
Terdapat iklan di dalam app,Berikanlah komentar dan pendapatmu tentang app ini.
Kami harap fans rizky febian menyukai app ini.App ini bukanlah official,app ini dibuat oleh fans rizky febian dan ditujukan untuk fans rizky febian juga.Jika ada yang keberatan dengan app silahkan hubungi kami via kontak developer yang tersedia.terimakasih
Nowadays, young people are working. One of them is Rizky, a popular artist / actor and singer nowadays who has sweet voice that makes a lot of women young girls fall in love and heavy with friends, Rizky Febian. Many of his songs are popular among children. young people today like separation are easy, perfection of love, enough to know, waiting is valuable and other songs are popular.
Many fantastic Rizky fans who want to meet to have selfie with him. So from that we made the Rizky Febian Selfie Camera application so that the fans of Rizky Febian can easily edit their photos for selfies with Rizky Febian.
How to use the app:
- open the application
- select the open menu
- Choose your photos
- Select the frame of the best Rizky photo that you want to edit selfie
- adjust the layout by enlarging the size of the photo so that it looks like a selfie with rizky febian
- save the editing results and share to fb social media, facebook, twitter, instagram
Another app in the developer:
> edit selfie photos of artists
> edit photos of dangdut
> edit jokowi's photo
> nissa sabyan selfie camera
> pretty good selfie camera
> natasha wilona selfie camera
> Stefan William Selfie Camera
> verrell bramasta selfie camera
> immanuel caesar hito selfie camera
> Sule selfie camera
Frame content in the app:
- Rizky Febian
- Rizky photo content
- Rizky Febian Selfie
There are ads in the app, give your comments and opinions about this app.
We hope that frivolous Rizky fans like this app. This app is not official, this app was created by Rizky Febian fans and is intended for fun Rizky fans too. If anyone objects to the app please contact us via the contact developer available. Thank you
Mise à jour: 2018-12-08
Version actuelle: 1.0
Nécessite Android: Android 4.0.3 or later