Play Tube

3 (5)

Musique et audio | 4.5MB

La description de

Listen million free songs.
Make your own playlist then continuously listen music on your android/tablet.
Play Tube allows you to search and listen to millions of songs for free!.
Search for artists, tracks, albums!.
Discover new music every day in genres, channels and user playlists!.
Quick search - find any song .
Search your favorite songs by Name, Album and Artist.
Create and manage playlist: videos of a playlist will continuously play .
Add your favorite songs.
Share your favorite videos with your friends via email, Facebook and Twitter.
More than 30 music categories (Top, Genre, Mood, Holidays etc.) with various playlists
Repeating and Shuffling.
Watch high quality videos .
Please Note: PlayTube app can't cache, download or playback video in background. Thank you for your understanding. Also be sure to use WiFi to get best music video experience.

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Nouveautés Play Tube

Fixes and improvements


Mise à jour:

Version actuelle: 1.0.1

Nécessite Android: Android 4.2 or later


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